I’ve have performances, recordings, publications, sprinkled around the internet. This page has links to a number of them.
Performance Videos
Kēnòr: Christopher Brooks, violin; Lj Palmer percussion; John Milosich, accordion and voice.
Here and here are video recording from our performance January 20th 2017 at the wonderful Trust Performing Arts Center in Lancaster. They were taken by placing the camera on the piano in back of the performance, facing the audience in order to avoid placing an object between the performers and the audience:
Here is the same group playing in a very different environment, my backyard, to the accompaniment of cicadas.
Awakened Ruins
Here is a trailer for a fascinating, emotional, collaboration with the fine choreographer, Tori Lawrence.
HOT Series of Philadelphia
Here I am improvising with a solo dancer. Very interesting interaction towards the end (when she finally warms up towards me).
Liz Fulmer
Here is a video of myself, George Swank (mandolin), and singer songwriter, Liz Fulmer.
Other videos
Here is a video that I made explaining how to play the violin without a shoulder rest. It’s a little fuzzy because I made it without enough light. But the concepts are good. Note that I don’t use a rubber pad any more. I don’t need it. I really need to make a new one of these
Kēnòr CD
Emotional, thoughtful, expressive, sophisticated, harmonically and rhythmically complex improvisation: violin, voice, accordion, hand percussion. Entirely acoustic. Recorded in an old stone building, the sheer sound of the recording is rich, yet clear.
Here, here , and here are cuts from the CD. Please buy the CD if you like them.
Here are a few cuts from performances over the years.